Amo po adi helping hands kana Facebook group na TNIK: Abrakan Anytime!"

Dalakit Project Tidbit

There are many reasons why I like this picture above. The best reason is probably what I feel in my body which is still reeling from the Bikol trip. LBM for regurgitating myself with halo-halo everyday. Muscle pain, joint pain, sore throat, back ache from that arctic, suspension-less bus back to Manila. Just my body's way of saying "Thank you Lord for honoring my time with service to a few of my townsfolk." Scrapes and bruises ain't a thing compared to the Nabuenyo kids' joy over a finished bowl of love and porridge.

One fine morning Septmber 19 morning following a night of torrential rain, TNIK members composed of myself (John Pesebre), Perrie Escuro, Hernan Esplago, Jhek Velitario, Elmer Bearis and some of the teachers of Nabua Central Pilot School (NCPS) distributed a humble amount of equipment for gifts to the Grade 5 class of NCPS. 

There is no big or small donation for many of my townsfolk. With the humble gift we shared, 300 kids showed up to show goodwill and enthusiasm. Nagkakasinupgan pa ngani sira Perie na pumanik sadto stage ku pinapanik na kami. Di talaga namo ini-expect na loud su event.

We were thinking a small classroom gathering. Snobbery was my greatest fear. The
opposite happened. The kids even gave a stage number for us in full regalia. 

The presentation to the Grade 5 gift itself came as a surprise for us. All Grade 5 teachers came to receive the gift. The principal also came.

 Principal Cynthia Infante sits third from your left. She was also given a moment to address the audience and she gave an impassioned appeal for people to help NCPS especially in painting of the school.

After the handover ceremony we then proceeded to go for the Almusal giving portion of the day. We distributed breakfast of arroz caldo and banana cue to the students and buckets of friend chicken to the teachers.

(click the pic to begin manual slide show)

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