Amo po adi helping hands kana Facebook group na TNIK: Abrakan Anytime!"

Ono Raw Magibo? Executive Plans for Yaba

Nabua is a small town. An mga sasadit na bagay pirmi yan na ipapagilid, paryo ka mga binlod ag mga ayungin. It is just human nature. What grabs our attention are big things. Big things like our day to day activities, mga igin ta, mga gagastuwan, mga problema ta. In fact kasasadit kadi Nabua pamiri-minsan pag nagiging maray na kamutangan ta sa ibang lugar nalilingawan ta na ya.

Ana iba kanato ana Nabua bukong small town ta san kita pagdakulo, isan su mga memorya ta, isan paggalin su mga angkan ta, isan kita unang naboot, unang nakipag unas, ag dakol pang mga bagay. The bigness of a place is not a matter of hectares and land area, but a matter of sight. Kin ana pagsilong ta kana banwaan ta lugar sanang uda kahulugan, talagang sadit an. Pero if Nabua means something to you


and she represents a good part of your life you will celebrate her failure and success, you will identify with its pain and its glory,

you will look into its past and future

payabaon ta di banwaan ta.

Adi pong sadit na movement na adi na Yaba sa Nabua naisipan namo ni Manay Nors na muknaon para sa kaisipang tumabang sa mga kanguran ta sa Nabua via the TNIK Facebook Group. In a year, this FB group whose uniqueness amo ana "Abrakan Anytime", has grown into more than 7,000 with hundreds of posts everyday. I have formulated a vision and mission statement for this humble movement:

Vision  Nabua, payabaon ko ka!
Mission Statement   Yaba sa Nabua is a platform to recruit & develop committed volunteers for civic action, to provide helping hand to the local government in terms of manpower and resources in serving the general populace and to facilitate the networking of resources.
Kin agko po kamo mga suggestion, please feel free to comment or send me an email sa or better yet, join the Facebook conversation at TNIK.

Kin di pa po ninyo isi na kabibo san TNIK tadi po adi screen shot sa usad na pinaka successful na conversations sadto:

(click image to enlarge)

almost 52 thousand na nagpost? Grabe!!!!

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